The exotic wrangler; son of a wildlife expert handles giant snake

The exotic wrangler; son of a wildlife expert handles giant snake

Children and snakes are probably not a combination that any parent would want to see. However, in a terrifying video that has gone viral, a youngster is shown attempting to pull a giant snake by its tail while his father cheers him on! While the majority were taken aback, not everyone was impressed.

Matt Wright, Australia’s Monster Croc Wrangler, recently uploaded a video of his two-year-old son Bonjo calmly yanking a gigantic python out of his garden. The shocking footage that was published on Instagram has sparked a massive internet debate.

The brave child can be seen firmly holding the two-meter olive python’s tail with both hands and bringing it onto the grass in the footage. When the gigantic snake, which is several times the size of the youngster, tries to wrap itself around a wooden pillar, Wright tells Banjo to “pull him out.”

The toddler is instructed to return to the snake’s tail while avoiding the teeth by the “award-winning tourism operator” and host of National Geographic Outback Wrangler. After scrambling to the back end, Wright yells, “Quick, grab him, he’s going to bite Dad!”

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