Chris Hemsworth prioritizes brain health due to Alzheimer’s risk

Chris Hemsworth prioritizes brain health due to Alzheimer’s risk

Actor Chris Hemsworth, known for his role as Thor, has made significant lifestyle changes to safeguard his brain health after discovering he has a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Genetic testing revealed his chances of developing the condition are eight to 10 times higher than average. As a result, Hemsworth has adjusted his daily routines to reduce stress and prioritize mental well-being.

Hemsworth now includes more moments of solitude in his life, emphasizing the importance of self-care and stillness. He has incorporated mindfulness practices like meditation and breath work, often during sauna and ice bath sessions.

Immersing himself in physical activities, particularly surfing, allows him to be fully present and escape the noise of everyday life.

Another change involves improving sleep quality. Hemsworth maintains a consistent bedtime routine, avoiding screens an hour before bed and opting for reading to unwind.

He also practices detachment from racing thoughts, learning to observe his internal chatter from a distance.

In terms of fitness, Hemsworth has adjusted his regimen. While his weight fluctuates due to different roles, he now focuses less on heavy weightlifting and more on cardio and endurance workouts, aligning with his personal preferences.

Chris Hemsworth’s proactive approach to brain health serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care and mindfulness in maintaining overall well-being.

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