Discover what makes soaked almonds good for you

Discover what makes soaked almonds good for you

Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. But ever wondered how soaked almonds benefits your health?

Let’s discover what makes soaked almonds good for you!

The importance of soaked almonds can never be inflated when discussing brain health.

Brain Health

It is full of vitamin E, which is known to preserve memory longer by boosting alertness, and preventing cognitive decline.

Vitamin E is known to be a retardant of the onset of dementia diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Mood Stabilizer

Soaked almonds can also work as a mood stabilizer. Yes!  The polyunsaturated fats in them release serotonin, which improves sleep quality at night; consequently improving your physical and mental health.

Sugar Levels

Moreover, eating soaked almonds prevent type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. When added to meals, almonds aid in reducing blood sugar levels. Even in fasting blood sugar tests.

According to the health experts, the Vitamin B17 and folic acid found in almonds help in fighting cancer, and reduce the chances of birth defects.

The flavonoids (diverse group of phytonutrients) in the almonds also prevent the growth of tumors in the human body.

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